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20 Questions Deep 

A podcast where 20-somethings share their perspective of life using the format of 20 deep questions.

The Story of 20 Questions Deep

 I was a 23-year-old living my "prime" years during a pandemic. I was completely lost and unsure of what I wanted to do next. Based on the countless hours I've spent on Tik Tok I realized  I'm not the only 20-something who feels this way. I began to view life in a less superficial way and wanted to know what urged people's souls. I was tired of seeing the glorified life of influencers, celebrities, and even people I personally knew on social media. Our twenties tend to be a time where the comparison game becomes especially relevant as we head on to our individual paths. From everyone's exterior image it can look like everyone knows what they are doing but I quickly recognized that wasn't the case.


 After spending months only virtually connecting with friends, I started to bring on deeper questions in our group Zoom conversations. I treated this as a trial run to see if this would make a good conversation piece for a podcast platform. People loved diving deeper than your run-of-the-mill questions. I was able to then extend these conversations outside my close friends and found myself having these amazing conversations with people I barely knew. It was then I knew I wanted to pursue this idea as a podcast.


So I decided to make a podcast where 20 years olds can get advice and hear other 20-year-olds perspectives. The interviewees have 20 deep questions to share their views and story. Join us every week as we have new guests share their answers!

Check Out
20 Questions Deep Here:

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